The story behind Sparkol™ VideoScribe
Sparkol™ VideoScribe, the animation software we all know and love was born out of the belief that there's a brilliant storyteller in everyone, Sparkol™ VideoScribe empowers anyone, anywhere to create magical video moments. You bring the story, Sparkol™ VideoScribe brings it to life in a magical and meaningful way.
Whether you're choosing Sparkol™ VideoScribe for your browser, or Sparkol™ VideoScribe for your desktop, we have a diverse and experienced team of engineers, product people, designers, animators, marketers, customer success liaisons, and number crunchers (we're looking at you, Finance), who all come together to provide the video moments you experience.
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It's a known fact that Sparkol™ VideoScribe hate death-by-Powerpoint - something I'm sure we've all suffered in our time. And it's this fact that has them continually testing, learning and developing existing and future products for the existing and prospective user base.
"We make distraction impossible. Together, we’ll take your ideas and give them some oomph, to make your audiences go WOW!".
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